Live Oak Receives InSpire Award

Live Oak Communications was recognized with an honorable mention in the category of media relations from the North Carolina Public Relations Society of America’s InSpire Awards. Students received the award at a dinner in Raleigh on May 12.

Live Oak Communications was honored with an InSpire Award from the NC Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. Pictured from left to right are Lee Bush, faculty advisor; Amanda Bender, assistant director; Nicole Parker, director; Sally Kay, team leader; and Samantha Emrich, incoming director.

According to the NC PRSA website, the InSpire Awards “honors communications programs that have achieved great success.” Live Oak was given the award for work on its Campout! Carolina campaign for client EarthShare North Carolina. Campout! Carolina is held each fall, and encourages residents across the state to camp out in their back yards – all on the same weekend – to show support for environmental sustainability. 

Live Oak members who accepted the award were Nicole Parker, director; Amanda Bender, assistant director; Sally Kay, ESNC team leader; Samantha Emrich, incoming director; and Live Oak Faculty Advisor Lee Bush.

NC PRSA is the statewide chapter of the national organization of communications professionals, and is made up of communications agencies and practitioners from all regions of the state.