Now Accepting Bateman Team Applications – Case Study Competition

Now accepting applications for the Elon Bateman Team

What is the Bateman Team?

Public Relations Student Society of America’s Bateman Case Study Competition offers an exciting, unique and challenging experience. This competition allows participants to exercise creativity and originality in planning a public relations campaign.

How is the team chosen?

The Bateman adviser selects the team based upon the completed application, quality of student work from prior semesters, recommendations/discussions with strategic communications faculty and specific needs for a well-rounded team. Four to five students will be selected for each team.

We are looking for hard workers. Students must be dedicated. If you are heavily involved with other groups, it is best not to apply as the Bateman competition is rigorous.

Application Information
An application can be obtained by contacting Dr. Frances Ward-Johnson, Bateman adviser, at

Applications will be accepted through Thursday, May 19, at 5 p.m. Return completed application to Dr. Ward-Johnson at School of Communications, McEwen Communications Building, 101-B, or by email at