U.S. Sentator Richard Burr calls on Elon Law's Class of 2011 to lead and to serve

June 7, 2011

Ninety-eight graduates of Elon University School of Law received Juris Doctor degrees on May 22. United States Senator Richard Burr delivered the commencement address, calling on graduates to embrace wide-ranging opportunities and responsibilities to lead and to serve at a time of rapid technological and political change around the world.

Dean’s Reception honors the Class of 2011

June 7, 2011

Members of the Class of 2011 at Elon Law welcomed family members and friends to the law school on May 21 to celebrate achievements of the class on the eve of commencement ceremonies. Joined by the faculty and staff of the law school and the leadership of Elon University, members of the class were recognized for pro bono service, leadership in law, and contributions to nonprofit organizations and law offices at regional, national, and international levels.