E-net Video: Phoenix football staff teaches high school athletes

Elon Phoenix head football coach Jason Swepson and his coaching staff welcomed student athletes from Heritage High School, Chapel Hill High School and Apex High School for a three-day football camp held this month on Elon University’s campus. Learn more about the camp by watching a short video produced the Office of University Relations.

Three North Carolina high school football teams visited Elon University for a June 15-17 camp led by members of the Phoenix football team coaching staff.

Teams spent the mornings working out and running drills together, and the afternoons learning from the Elon coaches. “These teams will spend three days on campus, trying to get better as a team,” Swepson said. “We’ll have our opportunity as the Elon staff to coach their team for about 80 minutes a day, and basically we’re trying to teach them what we do with our team.”

After practicing hard on the field all day, the athletes participated in seven-on-seven scrimmages with local area high schools before taking part in “chalk talk” with coaches each evening during the June 15-17, 2011, program.