Gary Palin featured speaker at entrepreneurship workshop in Russia

Gary Palin, executive director of the Doherty Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and senior lecturer of entrepreneurship in the Martha and Spencer Love School of Business, was a featured webcast speaker July 22 at the Higher School of Economics Business Incubator "StartUpNetwork" workshop in Moscow, Russia.

Gary Palin

The four-day workshop, supported by the Russian Venture Company, is dedicated to supporting and fostering entrepreneurship. “Developing an Effective Entrepreneurial Ecosystem” was presented by Palin to approximately 50 nascent entrepreneurs.

Business Incubator HSE was established in 2006 as a subsidiary of the State University – Higher School of Economics in Moscow, and has quickly become a catalyst for student entrepreneurial activities far beyond its HSE walls. It cooperates with leading entrepreneurial centers around the world, including Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA), Aalto Venture Garage (Finland), National University of Singapore (Singapore), and Twente University (Netherlands).