David Levine analyzes federal intellectual property legislation on WUNC radio

Elon Law professor David Levine was a featured guest on WUNC radio's The State of Things on August 19. Levine discussed the Protect-IP Act, legislation under consideration in Congress that sponsors describe as an effort to protect online intellectual property, but critics say would be a threat to free speech and open Internet.

David Levine

On July 6, Levine co-authored a letter to members of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to urge them to reject the Protect-IP Act in its current form. The letter was signed by 108 intellectual property and cyberlaw scholars.

“The approach taken in the Act has grave constitutional infirmities, potentially dangerous consequences for the stability and security of the Internet’s addressing system, and will undermine United States foreign policy and strong support of free expression on the Internet around the world,” the letter states.

Levine also interviewed with KQED public radio of northern California on August 18, providing analysis of the federal Communications Decency Act as it relates to Twitter and the social network’s account holders.

Both WUNC and KQED are National Public Radio affiliates.

Click here to listen to Levine’s interview with WUNC’s Frank Stasio.

Click here for the KQED article featuring Levine.

Click here for more information on David Levine.