Admissions Tour Guide Event Staff Positions Available

The Office of Admissions and Financial Planning is pleased to offer a new student staff position for the 2011 – 2012 academic year:

We will be hiring Admissions Guide Event Staff students who will work as weekly part-time tour guides (3 – 6 hrs/week), and assist in the planning and production of major event weekends. Candidates should have a passion for Elon that they would like to share with others through reliable work, a welcoming demeanor, and professional communication. Students should be able to work in both small and large group settings, and be comfortable in front of a larger audience. Candidates should have some interest in event planning and production.

If interested, please complete the attached application and submit electronically to no later than September 19, 2011. Late applications will NOT be accepted.

Any questions should be submitted to the above address. We look forward to reading your applications!