Elon’s Head Baseball Coach, Mike Kennedy, is dancing in Breast Cancer Fall Gala featuring seven local celebrities.

Mike Kennedy is performing a Cha Cha Dance with Elon’s Ballroom Club member, Meagan Chieppor, in the Little Pink Houses of Hope’s “Dancing with the Little Pink Stars” Gala at the Diamond Room of Wades’ Jewelers on Oct. 29 at 6:30 p.m. Seven local celebrities are partnering with dance professionals and are showcased in this evening complete with hors d’oeuvres, live music, dinner, open bar and door prizes.
Kennedy, along with Brian Biggers, Dick Fisher, Tony Foriest, Sheena Lambert, Carla Cobb Williams and Greg Westcott are supporting Little Pink Houses of Hope by spending evenings and weekends rehearsing in hopes of raising money for families dealing with breast cancer. Each star, along with a dance professional, is preparing a 90-second, original choreography that is full of flair and is personalized for audience enjoyment.
Two other Elon Ballroom students, Kenny Francoeur and Mat D’Amico, are participating as dance instructors to two of the Alamance County Stars.
Tickets may be purchased through the website, littlepinkhousesofhope.org, as well as casting votes for the dancers. The goal of Little Pink is to raise funds for the 2012 retreats that will allow for an additional 25 breast cancer families to attend.
Little Pink Houses of Hope is a nonprofit that provides week long beach retreats for breast cancer survivors and their families. Based in Burlington, N.C., the organization is the only one in the country to provide something for the entire family. They will serve 50 families in 2011, their 1st year. A retreat week is designed so families can reconnect, relax and heal, at no cost to the survivors. The organization’s goal for these families is to celebrate life together while they relax, eat and play. The motto of Little Pink Houses of Hope is Live Stronger-Laugh Harder-Love Deeper. The volunteers at Little Pink agree that joining in on the festivities for Dancing with the Little Pink Stars is a great way for community members to do just that.
Little Pink Stars and their dance professionals:
Mike Kennedy, Elon baseball coach, with Meagan Chieppor, Elon student and dancer
Brian Biggers, pastor Lamb’s Chapel, with Mallory McVey, COPA
Dick Fisher, Fisher Wealth Management, with Betsy Reeves, Arts Alive
Tony Foriest, retired NC State Senate, with Anita Davis, Southern Alamance High School Dance Teacher
Sheena Lambert, Norville Breast Care Center, with Kenneth Francoeur, Elon student and dancer
Carla Cobb Williams, Keller Williams broker, with Mat D’Amico, Elon student and dancer
Greg Westcott, VP Westcott Buick, GMC, Suzuki, with Diana Smith, Amber’s House of Dance.