Janna Anderson gives keynote at MobilityShifts

Janna Anderson's address at the New York conference focused on the future of learning.


Janna Anderson, associate professor in the School of Communications, was one of the keynote presenters at MobilityShifts: An International Future of Learning Summit. The global event was hosted in New York City by The New School Oct. 10-16. Other keynote presenters included Henry Jenkins, Cathy Davidson, Mimi Ito and Michael Wesch.

Leading scholars, artists, web developers, technologists, teachers, librarians, policy makers, legal scholars and learning activists were among the more than 1,000 attendees and more than 200 presenters who headed up the conversations about the future of digital learning. More information is available at the links found here: http://mobilityshifts.org/conference/participants/keynotes/janna-anderson/

Anderson is now fielding the fifth “Future of the Internet” survey, a research partnership between Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center and the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project. The session she led reviewed results from earlier surveys (http://www.elon.edu/e-web/predictions/expertsurveys/default.xhtml) and brought up questions from the fifth survey for discussion. “Future of the Internet V” includes questions on the evolving impact of ICTs on higher education by 2020; teens, technology and human potential by 2020; the influence of gamification; apps vs. the Web and which will dominate; the influence of Big Data; the fate of “smart systems”; the future of money; and the influence of corporate responsibility on our future. Results will be made public in a series of reports beginning in early 2012.

Anderson’s lecture slides are available here: http://www.slideshare.net/elonuniversity/imagining-the-internet-mobililty-shifts-keynote