The Fund for American Studies Information session – Nov. 2

Please join The Fund for American Studies for an information session on Wednesday, Nov. 2, at 5 p.m. in Lindner Hall, room 206. Open to all interested students!

The Fund for American Studies sponsors academic internship programs held at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. every summer. The institute combines substantive internships, courses for academic credit, career development activities, site briefings and lectures by prominent policy experts.

• Internships – Competitive placements with top sites in Washington, DC
• Classes – Earn up to 9 transferable credits from Georgetown University
• Housing – Roommate matching and furnished on campus apartments in the heart of D.C.
• Guest Lectures – With Washington’s top policy and industry experts
• Site Briefings – At the World Bank, State Department and Capitol Hill
• Leadership & Professional Development – Leadership, mentoring and career building activities
• Networking – Interaction with seasoned professionals and student leaders from around the world

Five eight-week programs are offered in the following subject areas:

• Public Policy and Economics
• Journalism, Communications and Public Relations
• Corporate Business and Government Affairs
• Economics and International Affairs
• Nonprofit and Community Service

More information on the programs may be found at

**Multiple full scholarships and partial scholarships are available to students from Elon University!