Babysitting Night for faculty/staff provided by Epsilon Sigma Alpha – Nov. 18

Epsilon Sigma Alpha, Elon’s coed service sorority, will be providing a babysitting night at Elon University in Alamance (2nd floor) on Friday, Nov. 18, from 6-10 p.m.

To register contact Bobby Rawlings at and ask for a registration form.

Donations for babysitting are greatly appreciated in support of our fall break service trip to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tenn. St. Jude is the only pediatric cancer research center where families never pay for treatment that is not covered by insurance. No child is ever denied treatment because of the family’s inability to pay. It is our honor to be part of making that happen. A donation of any size will help cover the costs of our visit where 21 ESA members served lunch to families at the Ronald McDonald House, offered a craft project to children and their families at St. Jude Children’s Hospital, and enjoyed an educational tour of the Target House. ESA also donated $1,000 toward cancer research for the children at St. Jude. Please consider supporting ESA’s journey to Memphis and our passion to serve others.

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you Friday!

Alyssa Drosdak and Bobby Rawlings
ESA Service Chairs

Rene’ Summers
ESA Advisor