English major has two papers accepted at international conferences

Jensen Suther, an English major and Lumen Scholar, has had his paper accepted for presentation at the Derrida Conference, which will be held this spring at The Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.

His paper, “‘The time is out of joint’”: A Dialectical Hauntology of Justice in Derrida’s Specters of Marx,” argues that “deconstruction, if it is to continue to be a valuable tool for theoretical discourse, must be understood not only in terms of its external dialectical relationship to Hegel, but also in terms of its internal dialectical movements: the concept of justice itself, as presented by both Hegel and Derrida, must be rearticulated as the primary problematic of the intersection between deconstructive and dialectical discourses.”

This is Jensen’s second acceptance at a major international conference; he will also be presenting his paper “Dialectic Contra Hegel” in the spring at the University of Toronto’s Conference on (An) Aesthetic of Absence.