Josh Carswell ’11 takes first in singing competition

Josh Carswell '11, a graduate of Elon's music performance program, split the grand prize in the American Traditions Competition in Savannah, Ga., on Jan. 28.

Josh Carswell ’11 (third from right) with other top finishers in the competition.

The American Traditions Competition for Singers brings together up-and-coming vocalists and renowned judges to celebrate the diversity of American song, from classical and jazz to Americana, Broadway, cabaret, country-western, gospel, spirituals and more.

Carswell and co-champion Ann Marie McPhail will split the $12,000 Oxner Gold Medal Award and enjoy three days in a New York recording studio.

Click here to read the Savannah Morning News’ coverage of the event.

Click here to learn more from the American Traditions Competition website.