SGA election results

Darien Flowers, a political science major from Columbus, Ohio, and member of the Class of 2013, has been elected SGA Executive President.

Darien Flowers, new Student Government Association Executive President.

In reacting to his victory in a run-off election, Flowers said, “I am honored that the student body has entrusted me with this responsibility, and I look forward to working to make Elon an even better place then it already is!” 

Student Government Association election results – February 2012

SGA Executive Officers:

Executive President: Darien Flowers

Executive Vice-President: Connor 0’Donnell

Executive Treasurer: Welsford Scott Bishopric

Executive Secretary: Leah Burns

The four executive officers will be sworn March 29 and will preside over the new Senate on April 5.


At-Large and Academic Races:  

Senior President: Molly Shoop

Senior Vice President: Samuel Kahane

Senior Treasurer: Kevin Beach

Senior Treasurer: Vacant

Senior Senators: Vacant


Junior President: Sean Patterson

Junior Vice-President: Alexandra Briggs

Junior Treasurer: Patrick Brown

Junior Secretary: Vacant

Junior Senators: Lauren Reiman, Gregory Zitelli


Sophomore President: Joseph Incorvia

Sophomore Vice President: Sarah Paille-Jensen

Sophomore Treasurer: Elizabeth Ruh

Sophomore Secretary: Lindsey Freedman

Sophomore Senators: Jennifer Lauterbach (and one vacancy)


Elon College: Vacant

Love School of Business: Kyrstin Wallach

School of Education: Vacant

School of Communications: Vacant


Note: Vacant positions will be appointed by the Executive President.