Symposium on Human Trafficking

As a centerpiece of the Week of Reflection on Human Trafficking the Periclean Scholars are hosting a Symposium on Human trafficking Wednesday afternoon at 5:00PM in KOBC.

 Symposium on Human Trafficking

All faculty, staff and students are invited to participate in the Symposium on Human Trafficking. The public is also welcome.
The panelists will take questions after their presentations.

The Symposium starts at 5:00PM with a panel discussion including:
Kevin Bales, President of Free the Slaves,
Helen Grant, Professor and Clinical Director of Elon School of Law
Tony Williams, Director of World Relief’s Affiliate Office in NC
Dr. Richard Smith, PhD in cultural anthropology from the University of California, Santa Barbara

6:30−7:00 Undergraduate Research Poster Session on Human Trafficking (1st Floor KOBC)

Reception with food will be held outside at KOBC Fountain immediately following