Learn about the Triangle's local and organic farm and food scene and meet local farmers while touring their farms.
Stop by one of the six Weaver Street Market stores in the Triangle to buy your button for the event in advance and pay only $25. Cost on the day of the tour is $30. The button is the ticket for your entire carload, so bring your family and friends along.
There are 40 farms participating this year, including Cane Creek and Braeburn Farms, Benjamin Vineyards, Iron Gate Winery, Timberwood Organics and a bunch of other local farms.
Choose the farms on the map you’d like to visit and get out in the countryside! The tour is self-guided and farms and sites are located throughout the Triangle in Alamance, Chatham, Durham, Orange and Person counties. Visit any farm in any order.
Click here for a map of the tour.
The 17th annual Piedmont Farm Tour is sponsored by the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association and Weaver Street Market.