Entrepreneurs Brent Gilmore '10 and Katie Pietrowski '10 visited campus April 26 to participate in a panel discussion as part of the C. Ashton Newhall Endowed Lecture Series in the Martha & Spencer Love School of Business.

The panel, “What if you could create a startup,” offered Elon students the chance to converse with young entrepreneurs who began a venture shortly after graduating from college. Topics discussed included how to secure funding from and present business plans to investors, ethical questions and more.
Gilmore and Pietrowski are cofounders of FitCampus.com, a website that helps college students track and share workouts with friends and classmates. Click here to visit the website.

The event featured two other North Carolina young entrepreneurs, Ennette Kemp, founder of Faazah Inc., and Mark Saad, chief financial officer of Feelgoodz LLC, both of whom were students of Gary Palin, executive director of the Doherty Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, during his time at N.C. State University.