Entrepreneurship class project: Paddling for a Purpose

Students in Professor Gary Palin’s Entrepreneurship Skills class are working to complete their final project: a social media campaign with the goal of spreading awareness about Paddling for a Purpose.

Paddling for a Purpose is a cause created by University of Tampa student, Hector Manley. As a young boy living in El Salvador, Hector suffered third-degree burns resulting in the amputation of both legs. After four months in a Salvadoran hospital, Hector was adopted and brought to the United States to receive further medical treatment and prosthetics. However, he has not let this setback deter him from following his dreams.

An active golfer (he’s even been featured in Golf Digest Magazine), Hector is switching his focus to kayaking, at least for 100 days. Manley is hoping to paddle the entire length of the Mississippi River (2400 miles in 100 days) in an effort to benefit the Wounded Warrior Project and the Wheelchair Foundation.

The journey starts May 19! Please help support Hector’s cause and track his progress down the Mississippi River. Feel free to check out the website at paddlingforpurpose.org and spread the word about Hector’s cause.