Lindsey Smith, a senior business administration-management and psychology double major, has been admitted to the PhD program in Industrial Organizational Psychology at George Washington University.

Smith will begin her studies this fall in areas such as personnel selection, training and development, work motivation, leadership, work teams and organizational development. The PhD program has around a three percent acceptance rate, and Smith was also awarded a university fellowship, which includes a full tuition award, a stipend and a paid position as a graduate teaching assistant.
Smith is most interested in researching leadership development, work teams and the impact of technology. After completing her degree, Smith would like to work in an applied position doing management consulting or leadership development training.
At the Love School of Business annual awards ceremony last month, Smith received the Student Achievement in Management Award, which is given to a senior management major who has shown enthusiasm and success in his or her major as well as promise for future achievement.
Robert Moorman, Frank S. Holt Jr. Professor of Business Leadership, who presented the award to Smith, said, “She performed excellently in class, but her intent was not just to learn how to manage, but to learn in depth about how people manage and how they might do so better. She is interested in the questions about management as well as the answers, and she has an intrinsic interest in learning more and more about our topic.”