Barry Beedle, professor of physical education, along with alumni Scott Rytter '07, Tara Ward '07 and Ryan Healy '07, co-authored a study on the affect of muscle stretching published in the November 2008 "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research."

Beedle, and the alumni, who were all exercise science majors at Elon, were attempting to determine whether static (stationary) or dynamic (movement in the limbs) stretching adversely affected maximal strength in the bench and leg presses. They concluded that both static and dynamic stretching did not decrease maximal strength, contrary to findings of earlier studies. One reason for the different findings in this study may have had to do with the intensity and duration of the stretches. The Elon study was conducted in fall 2006 in the Elon Fitness Center.
To read the study abstract, click on the link at right…