6:00-9:00 p.m.
Koury Business Center, room TBA
This single-evening workshop is designed to deliver up-to-date, job-relevant skills and knowledge for our MBA students, alumni and their work colleagues. In this three-hour workshop, Jessica Siegel, lecturer of organizational behavior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, will put you on the road to becoming a more successful negotiator. You will engage in a brief negotiation exercise with a partner, and using the exercise, we will discuss the meaning of a quality negotiated agreement and give you some tips on how to prepare for a negotiation situation.
MBA students and alumni: $35 per person
Non-MBA students and alumni: $40 per person
Click here to register. If you prefer to pay by check or cash, please contact Bethany Delk at execed@elon.edu. Questions? Call 336-278-6093.