Sirena Hargrove-Leak publishes in the Journal of STEM Education

Sirena Hargrove-Leak, assistant professor of engineering, published “Experience Engineering: An Engineering Course for Non-Majors” in the April 2012 edition of Journal of STEM Education.

The paper is an in-depth discussion of the pedagogy and outcomes of her winter term “Experience Engineering” course, which she created as a CATL Scholar. The course seeks to allow non-majors an opportunity to explore the engineering profession and design method in the context of remotely operated underwater vehicles.

The Journal of STEM Education promotes high-quality undergraduate education in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology through peer reviewed articles. One reader e-mailed Dr. Hargrove-Leak to say, “It seems like a very successful course to improve the understanding of engineering by non-engineers. Congratulations again on an excellent course and article.”