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Elon sales center partners named best companies for commission-based jobs on

Three partners of Elon University’s Chandler Family Professional Sales Center are among the 10 best companies for commission-based jobs according to a article .

Oracle, EMC and ADP were ranked at number one, four and ten.

The article used data from, a jobs and career community where people can post salary information and workplace insights. took an in-depth look at the companies where salespeople earn the highest annual commission on sales, based on at least 20 salary reports for each company. According to reports submitted by salespeople at Oracle, the average annual sales commission at that company is $77,362.

As partners of the Chandler Family Center, Oracle, EMC and ADP participate in a number of recruitment events at Elon, assist in the development of the sales curriculum and coach students for sales competitions. Oracle, EMC and ADP have hired a number of sales students over the past two years.

For a complete list of The 10 Best Companies for Commission-Based Jobs, click here.