Elon students documenting IGF-USA in Washington

Elon's Imagining the Internet Center has organized a student-alumni team to cover the US policy meeting of the Internet Governance Forum.

The Imagining the Internet Center, directed by Janna Anderson, associate professor in the School of Communications, has a 23-member journalism team including Elon undergraduates, alumni, and staff recording near-real-time documentary coverage of 16 different July 26 events at the Internet Governance Forum-USA in Washington, D.C.

Anderson, a founding member of the IGF-USA Steering Group, helped plan this year’s event.

Elon staff members Colin Donohue and Bryan Baker are leading the documentary coverage of IGF-USA 2012. In addition, alumni Morgan Little, a reporter for the Los Angeles Times based in Washington, and Ashley Barnas, a multimedia reporter for Delaware’s largest daily news organization, The News Journal, took a day off from their professional work to join in, volunteering to participate in key roles as editors and reporters. Anderson is serving as overall editor of the project.

Among the current School of Communications undergraduates participating as reporters are: Jeff Ackermann, Katie Blunt, Mary Kate Brogan, Joe Bruno, Kristen Case, Nicole Chadwick, Allison D’Amora, Keeley Franklin, Janae Frazier, Ryan Greene, Audrey Horwitz, Elizabeth Kantlehner, Perri Kritz, Madison Margeson, Katie Maraghy, Brennan McGovern, Brian Mezerski and Julie Morse.

Coverage by the team will be published on a special WordPress site, Twitter, Flickr and Imagining the Internet.

On Twitter – documentary tweets: Search the hashtag #IGFUSA or #IGF
On Flickr – still photos from events: http://www.flickr.com/photos/elonuniversity/sets/72157630735053348/

On WordPress – written and photographic coverage: http://igfusa.wordpress.com/

On Imagining the Internet – full written reports and video clips: http://www.elon.edu/e-web/predictions/igf_usa/2012/default.xhtml

IGF-USA is a multistakeholder gathering for members of civil society, businesses, governments, academia and the technology sector to meet to illuminate key issues, share concerns and best practices and cultivate constructive relationships that can lead to a better future.

The Elon team’s coverage is fed directly to IGF-USA’s official site, where it becomes part of the documentation of the event annually. Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center has been the documentary unit for IGF-USA annually since 2009.

Among the events: discussions of the future of Internet governance processes; a talk about issues tied to Big Data in the Cloud; sessions on cybersecurity and the difficulties of keeping the Internet “open”; a scenario session in which participants imagined what might happen if certain drivers occur in the processes of intellectual property law changes; a session on the changing ways in which disaster management is mitigated through online tools; and sessions on the evolution of the Domain Name System and new gTLDs and on the influences of IPv6 and the new gTLDs, among other things, on critical Internet resources.

Among the hundreds of participants in IGF-USA 2012 were Ambassador Philip Verveer of the U.S. State Department; Danny Weitzner, Office of Science and Technology Policy, The White House; Larry Strickling, administrator of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration; Rebecca MacKinnon, the Bernard L. Schwartz Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation; Marc Rotenberg, president of the Electronic Privacy Information Center; Jacquelynn L. Ruff, vice president of International Public Policy and Regulatory Affairs for Verizon Communications; Paul Brigner, the regional bureau director of the North American Bureau at the Internet Socieity; John Curran, president and CEO of the American Registry for Internet Numbers; Kristen Peterson, co-founder and CEO of Inveneo; Fiona Alexander, associate administrator of the Office of International Affairs at NTIA; Jeff Brueggeman, vice president for public policy at AT&T; Mike Nelson, research associate for CSC Leading Edge Forum and visiting professor at Georgetown University.