Dedication of the K. Wilhelmina Boyd African and African-American Studies Office – Aug. 21

Members of the Elon University community are invited to the dedication of the K. Wilhelmina Boyd African and African-American Studies Office on August 21, a program honoring the associate professor emerita and founding coordinator of the African and African-American Studies department at Elon.

The newly renovated space in Alamance building consists of an office, conference room and student engagement area adjacent to a classroom. The classroom will feature African-themed art from the university’s international collection, selected by Ethan Moore, coordinator of the university art collection. The suite is the first area on campus designated for the department.

The dedication program will begin at 5 p.m. in Alamance 302, with remarks from Prudence Layne, associate professor of English and coordinator of the African and African-American Studies department at Elon, as well from Elon University President Leo M. Lambert and Wilhelmina’s daughter, Kay Boyd-Jones.

“Wilhelmina would be really proud,” Layne said. “It’s a really fantastic honor for her and her family and a testament to her legacy at the institution.”

Refreshments will be served at the event, which is scheduled to conclude at 7 p.m.