Vote now for Elon’s #ElonFamily Instagram contest

The three photos from Family Weekend 2012 with the most number of "likes" on the university's Facebook page will win an Elon prize pack.


Several dozen photos were captured using the #ElonFamily hashtag on Instagram over Family Weekend, and 14 of the best are now on the university’s Facebook fan page for you to check out!

Those who took the three photos that receive the most number of “likes” will receive an Elon shirt, a nylon Elon gym bag and an “Elon: Under the Oaks” coffee table book. Be sure to spread word to family and friends to vote. You have until 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 5, 2012.

Visit the Facebook finalists here.

Check out a photo gallery here of all the #ElonFamily photos taken this weekend.

NOTE: Privacy features on Instagram accounts may have prevented staff members from being able to see all the photos tagged for the occasion.

The Office of Parent Programs and the Office of University Communications coordinated the initiative.