Gap Semester performs home weatherization in Appalachia

Gap semester students learned about Appalachian culture and the economic and environmental complexities of the coal-mining industry last week in Harlan, Kentucky.

Last week, the Elon Gap Semester cohort traveled to Harlan, Kentucky, for the third leg of the service portion of the semester. In Harlan, the group worked with contacts from the Kentucky Mountain Justice organization to learn about Appalachian culture, the history of the coal mining industry in the region, and the environmental and economic effects of surface mining. Surface mining, or mountaintop-removal mining, involves using explosives to remove top layers of mountains and allow easier access to seams of coal, still a widely-used energy source. Students made meaningful connections between the issues discussed in Harlan and the themes explored during previous weeks of service.

Katie Hight, Director of New Student Programs, joined the group for the week in Harlan. “Appalachian culture and the coal mining industry weave together to form quite a complex economic, environmental, and political web,” Hight explains. “While it is heartwrenching to learn about the large number of mountain communities affected by these issues, it was gratifying to witness the Gap students making meaningful connections throughout the week and eagerly engaging in the discussion of ways to help and raise awareness to others at Elon.”

In addition to learning about culture and environmental issues, the students participated in home weatherization service projects for low-income families in the surrounding mountain community. These projects, such as putting in insulation and caulking windows to seal in warm air, help reduce residents’ electric bills during the cold winter months in Appalachia.

The week was topped off with true immersion in mountain culture, as the students heard live bluegrass music performed at the Campbell Branch Community Center in Letcher County, Kentucky, and strolled around admiring handmade arts and crafts at the annual Kingdom Come Swappin’ Meetin’ Festival in Cumberland, Kentucky.

The Gap Semester students collectively wrote the following poem about their experience in Harlan:

On October 1st, to Harlan we went
A week that we know was very well spent
Katie joined Steve and the 15 of us
The new addition was definitely a plus
Learning about art, culture, and history
All things that before were once a mystery
Everyday miners search for black gold
Letting go of everything they hold
Wandering off to work in fear
Missing the ones they truly hold dear
Willing to put up the necessary fight
To make the horrific conditions right
Inhaling clouds of blackened dust
Thinking if this is really a must
Struggling just to put food on the table
Contemplating if he is even capable
Working each day towards a better life
Receiving in return nothing but strife
Sometimes even going on strike
Getting reprimanded to go take a hike
After the long cramped day is over and said
They can finally rest their weary heads
Harlan, Kentucky the coal mining sites
What struggles they had, they look to the lights.
Seeing young people struggling to flee
Wanting to rid themselves of the coal company that forbid them to be free
Her sad, grey eyes darkened by the coal dust
Still remembering the joy of years past
A day in darkness for pay soon paid back
To men who are letting their lungs turn black
The mountaintops are being destroyed
While coal companies are overjoyed
Coal mining destroys the hearts of miners
But coal companies say they’re just whiners
Destroying the people’s home and land
Coal mining is something more people should understand
We did a lot of sight seeing and driving
To learn about those who were mining
Going to the community two-step
Blue grass music and a giant food fest
We went to a museum to learn about coal
Then went down to a mine and looked in a deep dark hole
Wiley’s Last Resort: the greatest place on earth
A beautiful fire ring, to whom we gave birth
Playing basketball and bonding at night
Then helping Harlan to make it alright
Meeting people with a deep sense of pride
And exploring new culture with wide open eyes