Fall 2012: A passion to serve

Through their work with faith-based Freedom Campaign/Do Something Now, Bryson and Emily Vogeltanz are engaging college students and young adults in global service.

Bryson ’02 & Emily ’02 Vogeltanz with their children , l-r, Evyn, Meyer & Nash.


When 2002 graduates Bryson and Emily Vogeltanz were Elon students, they had dreams of changing the world. Now, as leaders in a large, faith-based nonprofit organization focused on engaging young people in global service, they have the opportunity to do just that.

The couple works for Freedom Campaign/Do Something Now, the social justice arm of Passion Conferences. Passion holds a large annual event, usually near its Atlanta, Ga., headquarters, to bring together and empower several thousand college students and young adults to be forces for good in the world. The 2012 conference and ensuing Freedom Campaign focused on modernday slavery worldwide.

Participants in the January event raised more than $3 million to fund international slavery prevention, rescue and restoration efforts. The total drew the attention of CNN, which produced a segment on the conference that included remarks from Bryson and Emily.

To read the CNN story, click here.