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Hanuman Jayanti – Hindu

December 5, 2012

This event celebrates Hanuman, one of the most popular Hindu idols, the ape that helped Lord Rama fight evil.

New Year – Hindu

December 5, 2012

This event celebrates the dawn of a new year and new beginnings.

Yom HaShoah – Jewish

December 5, 2012

Also known as Holocaust Remembrance Day, this day offers remembrance for persons who died in the Shoah, actions against the Jewish people during World War II.

Easter – Christian

December 5, 2012

Easter is the central feast in the Christian liturgical year and includes a joyous celebration of Mass or a Service of Christ’s Resurrection.

Good Friday – Christian

December 5, 2012

On this solemn day, Christians commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death on the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Holi – Hindu

December 5, 2012

This springtime festival of colors includes music, dancing, laughter and teasing. It is a fun-filled, joyous celebration.

Pesach (Passover) – Jewish

December 5, 2012

Pesach, which means to pass through, commemorates the Exodus from Egypt and the Holy One passing over the Jewish homes when the first-born Egyptians were slain.