Gaston Gazette: Commissioner: Gun records none of public’s business

From the Gaston Gazette (1/9/13): Packing heat in North Carolina, and doing it by the law, often puts your name on a list that is part of the public record.

But a Gaston County commissioner wants to change that requirement, by packing away the public information and making it private.

His argument is that only the sheriff’s offices administering such gun permits should know the identities of the men and women who have received them.

“If you legally buy a gun in the state of North Carolina and you go through that legal process, you should be able to expect some privacy in that your name, address, and other personal information are not released to the public,” said Commissioner Tracy Philbeck. “I don’t think it’s a dichotomy and I don’t think I’m speaking out both sides of my mouth when I say I believe in transparency, but at the same time, some things need to be held confidential.”

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