Executive Intern Interest Meeting – Feb. 20

The Office of the President is seeking motivated and committed students to serve as Executive Interns during the 2013-2014 academic year.


Executive Intern Interest Meeting
Wednesday, February 20th at 7:30 p.m.
Oak Room, Moseley Center

The Office of the President is seeking motivated and committed students to serve as Executive Interns during the 2013-2014 academic year. These select Juniors and Seniors will be placed with a Senior Staff mentor and complete individual projects while gaining general experience in the administration of higher education. The majority of project completion will take place during Winter Term 2014.

Interested candidates are invited to attend an interest meeting on Wednesday, February 20th at 7:30 p.m. in the Oak Room located in the Moseley Center. There will be an opportunity to meet current interns and ask questions regarding the program and application process.

Applications will be available February 5th to rising Juniors and Seniors on the Executive Internship website, www.elon.edu/executiveintern. Please direct questions to Greg Honan, Student Coordinator, at ghonan@elon.edu, or Jeff Stein, Chief of Staff to the Office of the President, jstein@elon.edu.