Liebhart publishes article on Phrygian Tomb Architecture

Richard Liebhart has published an essay on his research in The Archaeology of Phrygian Gordion, Royal City of Midas (University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology).

Richard Liebhart, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Art History and Classical Studies, has recently had published an article on his research entitled, “Phrygian Tomb Architecture: Some Observations on the 50th Anniversary of the Excavations of Tumulus MM.” This appeared last December in The Archaeology of Phrygian Gordion, Royal City of Midas, edited by C. Brian Rose, Gordion Special Studies VII (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2012). The original paper and the other articles published in this volume stem from papers delivered at conference at the museum in 2007; they all present the current results on ongoing projects at the Phrygian capital Gordion in Turkey, dealing with subjects ranging in date from the 9th through the 3rd centuries BCE. Professor Liebhart’s work is focused on the wooden tomb chamber in Tumulus MM, which dates to ca. 740 BCE, making it the oldest standing wooden building in the world.