The audience will have an opportunity to ask questions of invited experts on the dimensions of addressing American gun violence; the event will be streamed live.

The event is meant to be an open, educational and respectful forum to benefit Elon University and the wider community. It begins at 6:30 p.m. in McKinnon Hall, just inside the parking lot entrance to the Moseley Center.
Watch the event via a live stream courtesy of Elon Student Television.
A moderator will open the discussion with a short statement before panelists selected from the Elon campus community will offer remarks. The moderator will then ask a smaller panel of legal, law enforcement and public policy experts to make statements that, at least in part, address the issues raised by the first speakers.
The expert panel includes:
Rev. Richard McBride, Chaplain Emeritus, Elon University
Chief Cliff Parker, Town of Elon Police
Celo Faucette, Councilperson, City of Burlington
Stephen Ross, NC House of Representatives
Michael Rich, Associate Professor of Law, Elon University
Audience members will be encouraged to join the conversation by asking questions of the various panelists. The evening will end with an informal continuation of the discussion in the Hearth Lounge in Moseley.
“It is the duty and privilege of Elon University and local community members to come together and discuss this important issue in an open and respectful manner,” said Professor Tom Arcaro, co-chair of a committee organizing the program. “The intention of this event is to bring together thought leaders in meaningful debate and dialogue.”
For more information on the gun violence forum, email co-chair Tom Arcaro at or co-chair Niki Turley, assistant dean of students, at