Times-News: Taking sides in the debate on public records

From the Burlington Times-News (4/22/13): In one of the more predictable spring events, the N.C. League of Municipalities has stated its opposition to a bill now in the N.C. Senate that would make it a misdemeanor for local governments to illegally withhold release of a public record upon request.


Yes, like blooms appearing on red buds, dogwoods and azaleas, Senate Bill 125, proposed by Republican Sen. Thom Goolsby of Wilmington, was advanced in the General Assembly. And like pollen, the ritual thumbs down arrived from the league, which represents the interests of cities and towns in North Carolina.

But not the interests of the people.

Annually, measures to advance the cause of open government are introduced into the N.C. General Assembly. Just as regularly, state groups advising local governments find fault with opening documents or meetings to taxpaying citizens. Ahh, the spring smells of freshly mowed grass or newly butchered legislation abound.