Tammy Cobb '87, assistant director for community partnerships in the Kernodle Center for Service Learning and Community Engagement, begins her work in July.

Tammy Cobb, assistant director for community partnerships in the Kernodle Center for Service Learning and Community Engagement, begins her work in July on the North Carolina Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service. The appointment runs until February 2016. City of Burlington Mayor Ronnie Wall officiated Cobb’s oath ceremony on June 24 at the municipal building.
“It is exciting to me to take our work into this environment and share the value of what Elon is doing through service learning, civic engagement and in our community,” Cobb said.
The commission is a division within the governor’s office that encourages community service and volunteerism as a means of problem solving across the state. It administers the AmeriCorps and Citizen Corps federal volunteer programs and manages the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award Program.
In the Kernodle Center, Cobb identifies, develops and sustains mutually beneficial partnerships with local agencies in Alamance County to support student civic engagement opportunities and potential community development. Her work contributed to the Corporation for National & Community Service naming Elon University to the 2013 President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll.
The Community Service Honor Roll is the highest federal recognition a school can achieve for its commitment to service-learning and civic engagement.
In recognition of her accomplishments, Cobb received this spring the Phoenix Community Engagement Award, an annual Elon University award honoring someone who has demonstrated exemplary service to the university, local or global community through his or her engagement in volunteer organizations.
Cobb joined the university staff in 2001 as outreach coordinator for the Kernodle Center. A 1987 graduate of Elon, she had previously worked as director of Alamance County Friends of Youth, an office that supervised and administered three grant funded juvenile offender programs.
She currently serves as the 2012-2014 Advisory Council Chair for the Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club of Alamance, as a board member of the Piedmont Carolina Chapter of the American Red Cross, and as campaign cabinet education division co-chair of the United Way of Alamance County.