Vanessa Bravo publishes research paper at Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas

The paper explains the transnational communication strategies utilized by the governments of Costa Rica and El Salvador to inform about external voting rights

Bravo joined Elon in 2011.
Vanessa Bravo, assistant professor in the School of Communications, published a research paper, “Communicating external voting rights: The cases of El Salvador and Costa Rica,” in the journal Revista Internacional de Relaciones Públicas (edited by the University of Málaga, Spain).

This peer-reviewed journal specializes in communication processes in or about Latin America and Spain. Bravo´s paper analyzes the communication efforts undertaken by the governments of Costa Rica and El Salvador to inform about the external voting rights that the citizens of these two countries will have starting in year 2014, when they will be able to vote in their national elections while abroad (absentee vote).

This right constitutes a political triumph for the about 3 million Salvadorans and the about 130,000 Costa Ricans living in the United States, but the transnational communication efforts in each of these two countries have been remarkably different, affected by contextual factors in the home and the host countries.

Bravo´s article is available at

Bravo joined the School of Communications in the fall of 2011. She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Florida, and she has published peer-reviewed papers in the journals Public Relations Review, Global Media Journal (American Edition) and Palabra Clave (Universidad de La Sabana, Colombia). She also authored a chapter in the book Communication and Community (Hampton Press).