Acclaimed geneticist Sean Carroll to discuss the scientific journey – Nov. 18

Elon's Voices of Discovery series features the story of two Nobel laureates, as told by an internationally known scientist.

<p>Dr. Sean Carroll, HHMI</p>
Monday, November 18
Sean Carroll, “Brave Genius: A Scientist’s Journey from the French Resistance to the Nobel Prize”

McKinnon Hall, Moseley Center, 7:30 p.m.

Voices of Discovery Science Speaker Series

Carroll, a professor of molecular biology and genetics at the University of Wisconsin, is an internationally acclaimed scientist, author and educator. He is also the vice president for science education at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. As a scientist, his research focuses on understanding the role of regulatory genes in development and evolution. As an author, his passion lies in telling the stories of amazing scientific journeys illustrating science as a process that is carried out by real people in interesting contexts. Carroll tells the story of Jacques Monod, a co-founder of modern molecular biology who worked in Nazi-occupied France and eventually received the Nobel Prize for discovering the first clear example of transcriptional regulation of gene expression.