(Mock) Jewish Wedding – Nov 18

Elon Hillel and the Truitt Center for Religious & Spiritual Life invite you to a (mock) Jewish wedding on Monday, Nov. 18 from 5:30-6:30 p.m.,  as part of the four-part series "Four Weddings and an Understanding."

The wedding will be held in the Numen-Lumen Pavilion and will be officiated at by Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Geoffrey Claussen. The wedding will include all the elements of a traditional Jewish wedding: the signing of the ketubah (Jewish marriage contract), a chuppah (wedding canopy), the reciting of the Sheva Brachot (Seven Blessings), the badeken (the veiling of the bride), the breaking of a glass, the lifting of the couple on chairs and the dancing of the horah.

This is a superb opportunity to learn about and actively participate in Jewish wedding traditions. The wedding and reception will be followed by a short question-and-answer session with Professor Claussen.

All are welcome, and no RSVP is required. For more information, contact Diana Abrahams.