Attorney General: Town should reconsider high fees for records

Wilson Daily Times (3/9/14):  The Attorney General's Office sent Middlesex a letter suggesting that it should reconsider its policy of charging $34 an hour for requests that take more than 30 minutes to fulfill. The letter also offered to mediate disputes between residents and the town

Middlesex was the first community in the state to institute a policy charging a high fee for requests that take more than 30 minutes to fulfill, arguing a provision in the records law that allows for special service charges on requests that use extensive resources covers the practice. Since Middlesex adopted the policy, other agencies, including many in state government, adopted similar practices. 

The letter to Middlesex from the attorney general’s office says that “large fees can thwart the purpose of North Carolina’s Public Records Act,” and asks the town to consider a new policy. The town’s attorney has also publicly stated that the town should reconsider its policy.  

Read the Wilson Daily Times coverage here