Four faculty members received funds ranging from $1,500 to $4,700 for innovative projects that enhance student learning across a variety of disciplines.
Martin Fowler in the Department of Philosophy will use $1,500 to develop a pilot study abroad course for spring 2015. The class will meet on Elon’s campus for most of the semester, but will make a week-long excursion to Iceland during spring break. The goal of this pilot course is to make the study abroad experience available to students who would not traditionally have access to it due to scheduling or financial constraints.
Steve Moore in the Department of Environmental Studies will purchase materials to develop new apiary/pollination coursework and to expand plant propagation capacity at Loy Farm. These materials will enhance student learning already taking place in environmental studies courses and will expand the external impact the program has on area gardens and community organizations. $3807.30.
Kim Pyne in the Department of English will use $4,710 to fund workshops on spoken word poetry for English Teacher Licensure majors. The workshops will be led by a visiting artist and educator from The Poetry Project in Greensboro, N.C. Students will gain experience in crafting and performing spoken word and will examine the potential of this youth-centered poetry movement as a pedagogical tool for creating more culturally relevant English Language Arts classes.
Ketevan Kupatadze in the Department of World Language and Cultures will develop two interdisciplinary courses: a study abroad course examining historical and contemporary cross-cultural relations between Spain and North Africa, and an advanced seminar focusing on the efforts of Federico Garcia Lorca (poet), Salvador Dali (artist), and Luis Bunuel (filmmaker) in striving for tolerance and inclusion in the political, social, and artistic spheres. $3,600.
The Teaching and Learning Grant Review committee included faculty members Mark Enfield, Eric Hall, Katy Rouse and Alan Russell.
The CATL Teaching and Learning Grants program supports innovative teaching and learning projects. Grants typically range from $1,000 to $5,000, although smaller and larger proposals are considered. Grants generally support start-up and one-time expenses (materials, stipends, and so on), rather than paying for ongoing operational costs.
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