Students, staff, faculty and members of the community gathered April 18 around Fonville Fountain to pray on Good Friday.

The Rev. Gerry Waterman, Elon’s Catholic campus minister, led the service with assistance from students and staff from the Truitt Center for Religious and Spiritual Life.
Gatherers slowly circled Fonville Fountain as a cross was moved around the perimeter for each of 14 prayer stations representing the biblical account of Christ’s trial before Pontius Pilate, his subsequent death sentence and his resurrection on the third day.
“This tradition is something for Christians, but it is open as an opportunity for people of other faiths to come and see one of the most important things that we believe in as Christians,” said Trung “T” Huynh-Doc, business manager for Catholic Campus Ministry. “This is the day that Jesus died on the cross. We believe that the reason he did that is that he took on the sin of the rest of the world with him as he died.
“With that act, he has given the rest of the world a chance for salvation. And that applies to all humanity, not just those who believe in Christianity.”