Apply to the Intersect Conference Planning Committee – Due May 19

Interested in marketing, event coordinating and logistics? Become part of a team that plans a conference surrounding diversity and leadership!

Last year's Intersect postcard
Intersect is a two-day conference this November that produces engaged dialogue, reflection and training through keynote speakers and workshops. It’s mostly student-organized with the help of the Center for Leadership and Multicultural Center. Guests at the conference this past February heard from esteemed Keynote Speaker Jose Antonio Vargas and participated in various workshops and social media discussions.

Applications to join this year’s Intersect planning committee are due May 19. Available positions include:

  • Logistics Coordinator

  • Marketing Committee (Print and Advertisement Coordinator, PR Coordinator, Social Media Coordinator)

  • Sponsorship and Finance Coordinator

  • Registration Coordinator

  • Speaker and Entertainment Coordinator

  • Volunteer Coordinators

Descriptions of each position can be found here. Please refer any questions to Conference Student Director Leena Dahal: