#BringBackOurGirls Day at Elon – May 13

On April 15, 234 girls were kidnapped from their school in Chibok, Nigeria, by the terrorist group Boko Haram. The Elon African Society is having a day of awareness on Tuesday, May 13, to allow students to learn more about this atrocity and voice their support for the #bringbackourgirls movement. 

On April 15, 234 girls were kidnapped from their school in Chibok, Nigeria, by the terrorist group Boko Haram. The Nigerian governments and others have yet to take decisive action on these events and media sources were slow to pick up the coverage. Around the world, people have expressed their outrage and are banding together under the hashtag #bringbackourgirls and raising awareness to petition governments and international organizations to take action.

On Tuesday, May 13, the last day of classes, will be #bringbackourgirls day at Elon. The Elon African Society wants the Elon community to become aware of, learn more about and reflect on these atrocious events. We picked the last day of school because as people are finishing up their classes, it’s a good time for them to consider how these girls have been targeted simply because they dared to get an education. 

1. Wear red to show your support. 

2. Come find us at College Coffee and a Moseley table to learn more, get your picture taken in support, voice your opinions and sign the petition. 

3. Join us at Speaker’s Corner from 4-6 p.m. to sign the petition and engage in further conversations about education, human rights and terrorism, among others. 

Our goal is raise awareness, promote discussion of this topic, and encourage people to take action. We hope to get over 234 people at Elon to sign the petition! 

1. Change your profile picture to the one above, which is being used around the world. 

2. Learn more and join the #bringbackourgirls movement on Facebook and Twitter

3. Keep yourself updated on news sources and engage your peers in coversations about this. 

4. Go ahead and sign the petitions. One is addressed to POTUS and the other is addressed to World Leaders and International Organizations.