General Assembly approves farm bill that creates new records exemption for complaints

On Wednesday, the Senate passed HB 366, which creates a special exemption from the public records law for complaints made tot he Department of Environment and Natural Resources about violations on agricultural operations. The bill returned to the House, Thursday, which also approved the final version. 

The General Assembly createda new exemption to the N.C. Public Records Law this week when both houses approved a bill that shields some environmental complaints from public view. 

HB 366, the N.C. Farm Act of 2014, makes several changes to regulation of agricultural operations in the state. One of those changes includes an exemption from the public records law for complaints made to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources about violations of environmental regulations on farms. In the final version of the bill, complaints will only be released in one of two circumstances. First, if there is a court order making a specific complaint public. Second, if DENR finds the complaint is valid and a violation of agriculture laws has occurred, the record will become public. 

Environmental groups oppossed the bill claiming that it will keep people from reporting violations and gives too much secrecy to farming operations. Several farm groups have supported the bill claiming that farmers are being subject to frivolous complaints. 

The bill heads to Gov. Pat McCrory’s office next. 

Read coverage by the Associated Press here