Sensitive Topics in the Classroom, Brown Bag Discussion: Race & Privilege – Aug. 29

Join this informal discussion about approaches for effectively prompting or responding to potentially tense classroom interactions. Hosted by the Center for the Advancement of Teaching & Learning.

Sensitive Topics in the Classroom, Brown Bag Discussion: Race & Privilege
Friday, August 29, 12:10-1:20 p.m.
Moseley 215 (Bring your lunch)

This first of two brown bag discussions will focus specifically on teaching about race and privilege in the U.S., prompted by the events in Ferguson but with an eye toward general principles that apply to other hot national issues. It will be held Friday, August 29, at 12:10 p.m. in Moseley 215. Please bring your lunch. No need to RSVP. We’re aiming to make this is a practical and stimulating session for faculty from any discipline.

Our second brown bag will focus specifically on teaching about international and religious issues, sparked by the Israel-Gaza conflict. It will be held Friday, September 12 at 12:10 in Moseley 215. Same format – bring your own lunch.

In both discussions, we’ll focus on the specific and unique topic at hand but also discuss some more general questions:  How do these topics enter our classrooms, even when we don’t anticipate them? How can we anticipate and respond to student perspectives during class discussion? How can we introduce such topics in productive ways? How can we set up and model civil discussion on sensitive topics rather than avoiding them? And, ultimately, how can we have civil, meaningful, and authentic conversations about sensitive topics in the classroom?