An article co-authored by Assistant Professor Sean McMahon was the focus of a research brief published in Academy of Management Perspectives.
Paul D. Sweeny of the University of Dayton cited McMahon’s work in a research brief titled “How firms respond to an ethical lapse: does going the extra mile matter?”
McMahon’s research focuses on the effects of ethical failures in businesses and how a company can successfully recover from such instances, indicating that effective recovery efforts on a company’s behalf can often reverse the negative impact of employees witnessing unethical behavior. The article was previously published in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Process.
The Academy of Management is a premier professional association for management and organization scholars, with a global community totaling 20,000 members across 115 countries. It publishes several academic journals with Academy of Management Perspectives aiming to address key issues concerning management and business, geared toward non-specialist academic readers with a secondary audience of existing and future thinkers and leaders.