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Lunch and Learn Webinar – Introduction to Copyright and Fair Use

November 11 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. Belk Library 114 RSVP to

Copyright infringement lawsuits against institutions of higher education are not hypothetical: numerous universities around the country have been named in lawsuits alleging various types of infringements involving everything from posting articles and book chapters to e-reserves, course web sites, or learning management systems to streaming video and digitizing orphan works. In this workshop, you will learn how to avoid copyright infringement through application of Six Rules for Course Design as well as Fair Use guidelines.

While there are complexities to copyright and fair use, this workshop distills them into Six Rules for Course Design. Recent court decisions provide a measure of clarity to the parameters of fair use. The transformative use doctrine has taken on greater significance for educators relying on fair use. The growing body of Best Practices in Fair Use provides useful guidance for lawfully utilizing a wide range of resources.

This workshop was developed for faculty members, instructional designers and online program administrators.

Key reasons for taking this course:

  • Copyright infringement lawsuits against colleges and universities are a reality – not a hypothetical. 
  • Developing a working familiarity with copyright and fair use is now a professional necessity.
  • This workshop is not designed around the rules of law, it is designed around what we as educators actually do when we develop and deliver online courses.

Upon successful completion of the workshop, you will be able to

  • Describe six rules for course design as they pertain to avoiding copyright infringement.
  • Identify and apply Fair Use guidelines.

Join us on November 11th at 12:00 p.m. in Belk Library 115 for this lunch and learn webinar. Lunch will be provided to faculty and staff who register by November 7th, 2014. Please email to register.  

If you have any questions, please contact TLT at 278-5006 or at