Atlanta over Fake Break with the Interfaith Leadership Institute

Want to take a trip the last weekend of Fake Break and meet awesome people?!

Join a grouop of Elon students and staff as they travel to Atlanta for the last weekend of fake break this year (Jan. 30-Feb. 1 2015) to meet awesome people and attend an Interfaith Leadership Institute!  What is this Interfaith Leadership Institute thing and why might it interest you?  Great question – 

The Interfaith Leadership Institute (ILI), in Atlanta, GA, is a training event to equip students and staff to be movement builders for interfaith cooperation and action in their communities.  The ILI is an opportunity to learn about the interfaith movements that are happening on campuses across the country, to meet and interact with students and staff who are doing this work, and discover more about your own story.   ILI is a fun, engaging, and transformative experience for those who attend. 

Elon has a strong relationship with Interfaith Youth Core, and hopes to bring an enthusiastic and excited group of students to the Atlanta ILI.  You will get to learn how telling your story can impact others, brainstorm resources and collaborations on our campus, and work with a group of Elon students and staff who are all contributing to and involved with the Multi-faith initiatives on campus in a variety of ways.  This is opportunity is open to any student or staff member, from any campus organization and religious/non-religious/secular/philosophical background.  No prior interfaith experience with interfaith is necessary though an interest in learning about multi-faith action and discussion is preferred! 

The ILI is January 30-February 1, transportation and lodging will be arranged for the group, and a small financial investment ($50-$100) will be asked of students when they register, though there are scholarships available.  Please contact Diana Abrahams with questions or for more information at or 336-278-7729.  If interested please be in touch with Diana and register for the event by December 1.