Avery County court records sealed in investigation of high school Halloween party rape allegation

The Sylva Herald: The SBI is investigating allegations of rape and underage drinking related to a high school Halloween party. The party was held at the business of a contractor with the sheriff's office, and was attended by a deputy and a county dispatcher. Superior Court Judge Brad Letts sealed court records related to the investigation for 90 days. 

The Sylva Herald reports that a 14-year-old girl reported being raped after attending a Halloween party at an excavating business in Avery County. The sheriff’s office has recused itself from the investigation and turned it over to the SBI because of a conflict. The newspaper reported that a sheriff’s deputy and a county dispatcher attended the party, where teenagers were drinking and taking Jell-O shots, and that the wife of the owner of the business where the party was held worked as a contract nurse at the county jail. 

Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Brad Letts signed an order last week sealing all additional court records related to the case. 

Read the Sylva Herald’s coverage here