New Family Justice Center breaks ground in Greensboro

Elon Law is an executive partner in the coalition advancing a new Guilford County Family Justice Center, which will house 17 provider agencies and create a single point of access for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and elder abuse.

Hannah Vaughan, director of Elon Law’s Elder Law Clinic, is a member of the executive partner and working group teams for the Family Justice Center.

“The creation of the new Family Justice Center will expand and integrate services for those who have suffered at the hand of violence and abuse,” Vaughan said. “We look forward to applying the resources of Elon Law’s Elder Law Clinic and the expertise of Elon Law professors and students to support the work of this life-changing institution.”

The Family Justice Center’s renovations, estimated at $606,000, will make the facility ready to house roughly 17 provider agencies from throughout the community in an effort to provide better coordinated, collaborative services.

Elon Law students will contribute regularly to the work of the Family Justice Center, in part through existing partnerships with Legal Aid of North Carolina and the Children’s Law Center of Central NC.

“We know when victims feel that the system is working to better support them, they are more likely to engage in the process designed to hold offenders accountable for crimes committed. The Family Justice Center is a win-win for our community” says Captain Karen Walters of the Greensboro Police Department.

“This is an exciting milestone for the Family Justice Center as partners have been working diligently for quite some time to develop a plan for providing more efficient services to those seeking help,” says Family Justice Center Director, Catherine Johnson.

More information about the Family Justice Center is available here.

Information about Elon Law’s Elder Law Clinic is available here.